Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Travel are written to inform you of your rights and obligations within the framework of your journey. In addition, we provide information about what you can expect on your trip. The ANVR travel conditions, paragraph 1 (latest version: www.anvr.nl/consumentenvoorwaarden.pdf) apply to all running trips booked from 1 July 2018. Unless the ANVR conditions allow travelers to deviate from them, these General Travel Conditions cannot affect the ANVR conditions for travelers. The Terms and Conditions of Travel are only intended to further strengthen and clarify your position.

Before you travel, check any COVID rules that may be in place at the time.

  • Depending on type of transport and destination
  • Quarantine and coronavirus may be required (at your own risk and expense)
  • Possible checks at the border

Your travel company is not responsible/liable if you cannot provide valid documents.

  1. Offer

1.1 The fundamentals of this offer are our description of the journey and our additional information for the respective journey, if available at the time of booking. Brochures from hotels, marathon organisations and other providers of running activities that have not been published by us are not binding on our obligation to provide services unless they have been included in the running travel contract in agreement with you.

1.2 We carefully assess the contracted hotels, marathon organisations and other running activity providers. The information on our website is created according to our best knowledge. When classifications are specified, they refer to local standards. We can only be held liable for differences resulting from the description on our website and the expectations of the customer if one of the liability reasons included in these Terms and Conditions of Travel exists.

1.3 These prices are per person (runner or supporter), and are based on the assumption that two people travel together (double room). Individual travelers pay a surcharge,. The cost of support services, e.g. arranging visas and reservations are charged to the customer and are billed separately.


2. Booking

2.1 You are responsible for all contractual obligations of travelers (runners and supporters) for whom you book, including yourself, to the extent that you have undertaken this obligation by means of an explicit and separate statement.

2.2 If a minor wishes to make a booking, he must prove that his parent(s) or guardian(s) have given permission to do so. In some countries it is not allowed to travel without an adult. It is not allowed to make a booking under a false name, or with a false age or (e-mail) address. We have the right to cancel the travel contract if you do not comply with this. In that case we will refund you the already paid travel sum. We will deduct the costs made by us.

2.3 If the content of our travel confirmation differs from the content of the booking, there is a new offer with a validity period of ten days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer, provided that we have referred to the amendment to the new offer and have complied with our pre-contractual information obligations as well as your acceptance of our offer by express declaration or prepayment within the binding period.

2.4 The online booking process is explained on the website Globalrunning.com. In order to correct your entry, to remove or reset the entire booking form, there is a correction option available, of which the use is explained.

2.5 By clicking on the button "book this package" (or similar wording), you offer us the conclusion of the binding travel contract by means of your booking request. We will immediately confirm receipt of your booking request by e-mail (confirmation of receipt). Pressing the button does not justify your claim to enter into a contract.

2.6 The agreement is binding as soon as you have received our final booking confirmation by e-mail.

2.7 The ANVR travel conditions, paragraph 1, article 1.3 give you the possibility to withdraw your booking under the conditions mentioned there.  If it is stated in the offer or in the travel documents that there is no cooling-off period or right of withdrawal, or if the term "definitive booking" is used in the offer or travel documents, there is no right of withdrawal. The right of withdrawal must be used in the manner prescribed in these Terms and Conditions of Travel.


3. Payment/Travel Documents

3.1 When concluding the travel agreement, you pay the amount stated in the order confirmation. This amount is 100% of the costs of the ordered start numbers and insurances plus 50% of the total travel costs minus these costs of the ordered start numbers and insurances.

3.2 The remaining amount is payable upon receipt of the final statement or at the latest two (2) months before the start of the running trip. For short term bookings, within two (2) months before the start of the running trip, the total cost of the running trip is due immediately. Any processing costs, cancellation costs and rebooking costs are also due immediately.

3.3 If you do not make the deposit and/or final payment according to the agreed due dates, although we are willing and able to provide the contractual services properly, have fulfilled our legal information obligations and have no legal or contractual retention obligations in your favour, we have the right, after sending a reminder with a deadline, to cancel the travel contract and charge cancellation fees in accordance with article 5.

3.4 The documents are generally made about 21 days before the start of the running trip, if necessary within 24 hours for short-term bookings. The travel documents are sent by e-mail.


4. Changes to your round trip by Globalrunning.com

4.1 Deviations from the essential characteristics of the agreed content of the travel agreement, which become necessary after the conclusion of the agreement and which we have not caused in good faith, may be implemented by us prior to departure, provided that the deviations are insignificant and do not affect the overall scope of the travel.

4.2 We are obliged to inform you clearly, understandably, as soon as possible and in an explicit manner about a change in a journey and the reason for the change. We will inform you by e-mail, telephone call or voicemail message.

4.3 In the event of a significant change in an essential feature of a running trip or deviation from your specific requirements that have become part of the agreement, you have the right, within a reasonable period of time set by us to inform you of the change, to refuse the changed agreement free of charge or to confirm your participation in a replacement running trip, if we have offered you such a replacement running trip. You have the choice to respond to our message or not. If we have not received your response or have not received it in time, the notified change will be deemed to have been accepted.

4.4 Warranty claims remain unchanged for as long as the changed service is defective. If we have lower costs for carrying out the modified or replacing journey of comparable quality, the difference will be reimbursed.


5. Cancellation before departure / Cancellation fee

5.1 You can cancel your agreement at any time before the start of the trip. You must inform us of the reason for cancellation by e-mail.

5.2 If you cancel before the start of the running trip, we are not entitled to the price for the running trip. Instead, you will owe us a reasonable fee unless the cancellation is our responsibility or is the result of exceptional circumstances occurring at or near the destination which are material to the execution of the trip.

5.3 The amount of reasonable compensation shall be fixed on a flat-rate basis, taking into account the period between cancellation and the start of the journey, taking into account the expected cost savings and the expected acquisition through the other use of the travel services. The flat-rate payments can be found in Article 18 of these Terms and Conditions of Travel.

5.4 We reserve the right to charge a higher individually calculated compensation instead of the above-mentioned flat-rate compensation amount, provided that we can prove that we have incurred significantly higher costs than the respective applicable flat-rate compensation percentage. In this case, we are obliged to quantify and substantiate the required compensation, taking into account the saved expenses due to other use of the travel services.

5.5 If we are obliged to reimburse the travel sum as a result of a cancellation, we will provide this compensation as soon as possible after receipt of the cancellation declaration.


6. Re-booking / substitution setting

6.1Admission tickets, bib numbers and insurances cannot be converted nor can they be converted to the name of another person.

6.2 After the conclusion of the travel agreement, you are not entitled to any changes, in particular with regard to the date of travel, the destination, the place of departure, the accommodation or the type of transport (rebooking). If you wish to make a rebooking - if possible - we usually have the same costs as for a cancellation. Therefore, we will have to charge you the same amount of costs when you make a rebooking. This does not apply if the rebooking is necessary because we provided you with incorrect or insufficient information before you made the booking. In this case the rebooking will be free of charge.

6.3 In addition to the provisions in the ANVR travel conditions, paragraph 1 (see article 8.1) with regard to substitution, the third party that enters into the rights and obligations of the travel agreement in your place must comply with all the requirements set for the running trip and the substitution.

6.4 You can inform us by e-mail up to seven (7) days before the start of the trip that, taking article 6.2 into account, you are entering into the rights and obligations of the agreement with a third party instead.


7. Unused travel services

7.1 If you do not use individual travel services that we were able and willing to provide in accordance with the travel agreement for reasons for which you are responsible, you are not entitled to a pro-rata refund of the travel sum. This does not apply if such reasons would have justified to you in accordance with the legal provisions governing the cancellation free of charge or the termination of the travel agreement in progress. We will make every effort to reimburse the costs saved by the service providers. This obligation is waived in the case of completely negligible expenses.


8. Termination for behavioural reasons

8.1 We may terminate the agreement without notice if you interrupt the execution of the running trip, regardless of our warning that you are in breach of the agreement, which justifies the immediate cancellation of the agreement. This does not apply if the conduct contrary to the travel agreement is based on a violation of our own information obligations. If we cancel, we reserve the right to charge the full fare; however, we must recognise and deduct from this fare the value of the costs saved and any benefits we derive from any other use of the unused services, including the amounts reimbursed by the service providers.


9. Obligation to cooperate with the traveller (both runner and supporter)

9.1 Please inform us in a timely manner if you have not received the required travel documents within the set time limit.

9.2 If the trip is not without flaws, you can ask for a solution. This requires - without diminishing our primary duty to perform - your cooperation. Therefore, you are obliged to do everything you can to help eliminate the defect and to minimize or prevent any damage at all. To the extent that we were unable to remedy the cause of the breach due to a culpable notice of default, you are not entitled to compensation. If you are communicating with us, please state at least the travel number, the destination and the start and end date of the journey as stated in the travel documents.

9.3 Please note that baggage loss, damage and delays related to air travel in accordance with aviation regulations must be reported by you immediately on the spot to the airline's ground handler by means of a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) report. In order to draw up a PIR report, you will need your boarding pass with the so-called baggage receipt (claim form). You received the claim form when you checked in your luggage. Do not throw them away until your baggage has arrived (undamaged). The compensation for loss, delay or damage of registered baggage is limited in international conventions to a maximum amount of 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The SDR is a currency determined by the International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate against the euro changes daily. See www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_five.aspx. The amount of compensation stated is a maximum. In the end it may be less. This is due to applicable treaties and depends on the airport from which you depart and where you arrive and the weight of your luggage. If you do nothing, it is not possible to deviate from this rule. However, if your baggage is worth more than this maximum, you can ask the airline for a higher maximum at check-in. You can do this by completing a so-called declaration of interest and paying an additional fee. How much this fee is varies from one airline to another. The staff at the check-in desk can help you with this. Precious and vulnerable items (such as cameras or jewellery) and medicines must be taken into the cabin as hand luggage. This is due to the possible loss or late arrival of your baggage.


10. Limitation of liability

10.1 Naturally, we hope that the running tour you have booked will fully meet your expectations. In the unlikely event that this is not the case, then - in addition to the provisions in the ANVR travel conditions, paragraph 1 (Article 12) - what is stated in Article 10 applies.

10.2 We are not liable if your running trip does not meet the expectations you have if this is caused by force majeure, including unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (being all circumstances which are beyond our control and which cannot reasonably be attributed to us, such as congestion on the roads or in the airspace, strikes in public transport or weather conditions). We are also not liable if your running trip does not meet the expectations you have, when this is due to yourself or a third party not engaged by Globalrunning.com in the execution of the travel services.

10.3 Our liability for damages (including costs) is always limited to a maximum of three times (3x) the travel price, unless these damages are caused by intent or gross negligence of Globalrunning.com. The limitation of liability described in the previous sentence also does not apply if the damage consists of personal injury. In case a treaty or regulation of the European Union is applicable to any damage, Globalrunning.com is free to appeal to any exclusion or limitation of liability that the relevant regulation grants or allows.

10.4 We are not liable for performance disruptions, personal injury and material damage in connection with Globalrunning services if these services are explicitly specified as third-party services in the Globalrunning advertising and the Globalrunning confirmation, stating the identity and address of the contract partner in such a way that it is clear to you that these services are not part of the Globalrunning package supplied by Globalrunning.com. However, we are liable if and insofar as your damage is a result of a breach of our information duty.

10.5 Any claim for compensation expires after two (2) years. This means that you must have submitted or instituted a possible claim for compensation no later than two years after the end of your running trip. If you wait longer than two (2) years, you can no longer make such a claim.


11. Disputes

11.1 Please note that we do not participate in the voluntary resolution of consumer disputes. For all travel agreements concluded in electronic commerce, we refer to the European platform for online dispute resolution http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. This platform ensures that your complaint is submitted to the appropriate dispute resolution committee. In the Netherlands, this is the Geschillencommissie Reizen (see www.sgr.nl), to which Globalrunning.com, as an ANVR member, is automatically affiliated. The Geschillencommissie Reizen is acknowledged by the European Commission as a neutral body for alternative dispute resolution, as referred to above. It is also possible to file a complaint directly with the Geschillencommissie Reizen:


Geschillencommissie Reizen

PO Box 90600

2509 LP The Hague

tel. (+31) 070-310 53 10


Please note that your complaint will only be handled by the Geschillen commissie Reizen if the stipulations in articles 12 and 13 of the ANVR travel conditions have been met.


12. Notification of liability for accidents of carriers of passengers at see

12.1 The liability of the carrier for carriage of passengers at sea is subject to the possibility of death or personal injury to passengers, loss of or damage to luggage, loss of or damage to valuables and reduced mobility or loss of mobility for passengers with disabilities. aids or other specialised equipment as set out in Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 23 April 2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea. For more information please send an email to info@Globalrunning.com with subject: Accident Liability.


13. Information requirements regarding the identity of the operating carrier.

13.1 As a consequence of the EU Regulation on informing passengers of the identity of the operating air carrier, we are obliged to inform you of the identity of the operating air carrier when making a booking and of all services to be provided as part of the booked air travel. If the operating air carrier has not been identified at the time of booking, we are obliged to inform you which air carrier or carriers will probably operate the flight. As soon as we know which airline will operate the flight, we will let you know. If the initially named operating air carrier changes, we will inform you of this change without delay. The list of airlines with EU operating bans (public list, previously "black list") is available at http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban/index_nl.htm.


14. Passport, visa and health requirements

14.1 We will inform you of the general passport and visa requirements and the health formalities of the destination country, including the estimated time needed to obtain a visa, if required, prior to the conclusion of the running trip contract.

14.2 Obtaining and holding the necessary travel documents, obtaining any necessary vaccinations and complying with customs and foreign exchange regulations are your sole responsibilities. Any disadvantages arising from failure to comply with these regulations, e.g. the payment of a cancellation fee, are for your account.

14.3 We are not liable for the timely issue of necessary visas by the respective diplomatic representation.


15. Travel protection (cancellation insurance, etc.)

15.1Please note that the prices listed on our website Globalrunning.com do not include cancellation insurance. If you cancel your trip before departure, cancellation charges will apply. If the trip is cancelled, extra return travel costs and other additional costs may arise. If necessary, you can take out travel insurance with us.


16. Data privacy

16.1 When you make your booking, we collect personal data which is necessary for the execution and performance of the travel contract. This data is stored electronically by us, processed and - if necessary for the purpose of the contract - transmitted to third parties, e.g. service providers such as hotels and airlines. If you provide your e-mail address when booking your trip, we will use it to keep you informed about your trip. If you have given your consent, we may contact you by e-mail and send our newsletter. This will include an opt-out facility at all times.


17. Compensation for flat rates (see Article 5).

17.1 It may be that you have booked a running trip and are no longer able to make it. In that case, we offer you the option of cancelling your running trip. However, there are costs associated with this. The cancellation fee is a percentage of the total price and depends on the time of cancellation. The closer your departure, the higher the costs.

17.2 In the event of cancellation, we will always charge you 100% of the costs of start numbers, flights (if non-refundable) and insurance (hereinafter "other costs"). In addition, we charge the following costs:

  • Up to 63 days before departure 35% of the travel sum minus other costs;
  • Up to 42 days before departure 50% of the holiday price minus other costs;
  • Up to 28 days before departure 75% of the holiday price minus other costs;
  • Up to 14 days before departure 90% of the holiday price minus other costs;
  • From 14 days prior to departure: the full travel sum minus other costs.


17.3 Pursuant to Clause 5.4, we reserve the right to charge a higher individually calculated compensation rate instead of the aforementioned lump sum compensation rate, if we can prove that we incurred significantly more costs than the respective applicable lump sum compensation rate. In this case, we are obliged to quantify and substantiate the required compensation, taking into account the expenses saved through other use of the travel services.

17.4 Globalrunning.com is affiliated with the Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden (SGR). The SGR guarantee means that consumers are assured of receiving their prepaid travel money back if the other party is unable to meet the Agreed quid pro quo due to financial incapacity.

17.5 Globalrunning.com is affiliated with the Stichting Calamiteitenfonds Reizen (SFR). This means that you, as a consumer participating in a running trip organised by us, will receive (part of) your travel sum back if we cannot execute the running trip or cannot execute the running trip completely due to a calamity, and you will be reimbursed for the necessary additional costs if we have to adapt the running trip or if we have to repatriate you early due to a calamity. Calamity is understood to mean an abnormal event caused by acts of war or natural disasters. Running trips to an area for which there is a limitation of cover or a situation that can be covered, as determined by the Calamity Commission of the Calamity Fund, can be cancelled by you free of charge as of three (3) calendar days prior to departure or, if possible and desired, rebooked.

17.6 If unavoidable and exceptional circumstances (i.e. all circumstances beyond our control and beyond our reasonable control, such as road or air traffic congestion, public transport strikes or weather conditions) arise at the destination or in its immediate vicinity which have a significant impact on the implementation of the travel arrangement or on the carriage of passengers to the destination, you are entitled to cancel the travel arrangement before the start of the travel arrangement without paying any termination fee. In this case, all amounts paid for the running trip will be reimbursed in full, but you will not be entitled to claim any compensation.

17.7 Cancellations outside office hours are deemed to have been made on the following working day.


18. Other.

18.1 Oral agreements are usually no longer verifiable. For this reason, we can only accept verbal agreements if they are confirmed by us in writing.

18.2 We would like to point out that every passenger travelling to the airport (baggage belts, transport) and during transfers (buses, taxis, etc.) must personally receive and inspect their baggage. Each passenger is solely responsible for their baggage.

18.3 As is customary with all sporting events, we are not liable for accidents and damages of any kind, including during transfers to and from these events.

18.4 Agreements between Globalrunning.com and the traveller are governed by Dutch law.

18.5 These travel conditions apply to new bookings from 1 July 2018.

Tour operator

Rho-Delta Travel B.V. / Touch Travel

Escudostraat 2

2991 XV Barendrecht

Phone number: (+31) 010-4971180

E-mail: info@Globalrunning.com

Website: www.Globalrunning.com.

Booked a running trip 2 times already. Well organized and 2 beautiful medals earned

score: 10 / 10 Caroline Jonker
Good service, personal approach, quick response to questions/uncertainties. All in all: very satisfied!

score: 8 / 10 Wim Schouten
Contact is always good and questions are answered quickly

score: 10 / 10 Peter Spruit
Booked great trips for many years

score: 7 / 10 Loopgroep Nesselande
Very personal and driven it to do well.

score: 9 / 10 Bert de Baas
any questions? leave a message!